Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It's not her birthday yet....

....but the celebrating has begun. I thought I would be headed out on a bit of a vacay tomorrow, but the old body is telling me to stay home and get well....but I summoned enough energy to take Emily to lunch for her big day 'cause she is going on vacation soon and I won't get to see her turn 7 but she's a charmer for sure.....way wise beyond her years and a "soon to be star" at Tuacahn. Watch for her in "Once On This Island".
We dined at Applebee's and she got the royal treatment with an ice cream sundae and a birthday song.

She's holding the "Birthday Bear" from school that each birthday kid gets to keep on their special day and she gets it a whole week because of Spring Break. Keep on dancin' Em....(she's always twirling around and perfecting her graceful moves)....you'll see her name in lights one day....but until then, look for it on the playbill at Tuacahn in a few weeks. Em...you're a gem!!!!
O.k., I promised no more daffodil stuff but just one more little entry. The first picture I took was on February 9....and look at this, Mar. 9 and they are still going strong. That's got to be a record .... I'm not complaining but it looks like rain again tonight and they're gettin' pretty beat down so I brought a bunch in to enjoy for a few more days. Wish I could share a bouquet with y'all. I do love my daffodils, just in case you didn't know that. I love it when the smallest and simplist things can bring us great big JOY.....


Staheli said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY EM!!! My birthday sista. I love that your dad called me at 11pm last night probably to wish me a happy birthday because ever since you came along he's forgotten that it's my birthday too! No biggy, I understand and he always calls sooner or later. Love you Em, and your incredible personality.

Unknown said...


I didn't forget and yes I don't understand time zones.
