Monday, March 15, 2010

The ultimate multi-tasking...

......could be very dangerous if it involves a cell-phone and a steering wheel and frankly, I think talking on the cell-phone while driving should be against the law....but let me just say this about other kinds of multi-tasking. In this busy world of ours, we really have to do a lot of it but some studies I've read lately say that "....we Americans think we're multi-tasking when what we're really doing is getting good at switching our focus from one thing to another really fast and getting a lot done but not really well"....or something like that but I'd like to think that I did some "real" multi-tasking at work today. So....lately, I've decided I don't like dieting so I've decided I need to "move more". At work, I walk around the computer center and let the kids know I'm there to help them but sometimes, when I'm not helping them, I sit down or I just stand there with my hands in my pockets and wait for them to raise their hand. Not today....I multi-tasked. I read somewhere that we should walk 10,000 steps every day and a while ago I got this little gadget that records ones steps so I took it to work today and figured on a 5 hour shift, if I got 2,000 steps per hour I'd have my 10,000. So, I'd get in my exercise, earn a living and help some poor college students succeed in their course of study. I didn't make my 10,000....but got close. If I'd just walk to work and back, that would add the additional 2,000 that I would need and if I work 3 five hour shifts per week, that would be at least 3 days that I would get the recommended exercise.....
So....while watching a movie this past week-end, I made these Flyer Blue handwarmers for Stephanie Reber so her hands won't freeze when she's keeping score at the baseball games (some evenings do get cold you know). I seldom ever knit without watching, I decided that I could do some excellent multi-tasking if I would go to the track and knit while walking around and listen to my scriptures on my Ipod.....that would definitely be the ultimate multi-tasking. I'm wishing that it be appropriate to take knitting to church. I know the 3-hour time block would be a lot more relaxing and I think I'd even get more out of it. I could probably even bear my testimony while knitting.....Do you multi-task?

1 comment:

Staheli said...

There's a lady that sat and knitted all through sacrament meeting in our ward the first Sunday we were here. And you know what I thought, I thought, "she's probably listening better than the rest of us." She certainly listens better than I do (because of the two munchkins that suddenly have nervous breakdowns when they think they have to sit still).