Friday, May 28, 2010

If you've got a good book to read....'re never bored and this book has been my best friend the last couple of days. Click on it to see what it's about but in a nutshell, it's about a woman surviving cancer who takes up fly fishing. Just reading it has taken me back to some pretty great "fishing" moments in our family. I'm so grateful that Scott was able to give each of our children some "fishing time" in one form or another and he tried early on to convert me....but I always thought fishing was about the "catch". Only if I knew then what I know now.....I would be his biggest fan whether I ever even held on to a fishing pole or not. I would be there cheering him on with the utmost of patience, listening to the quiet and watching the water glisten....for hours on end.
Scott always loved fishing but in his later years, he took up fly fishing. He was so excited to get all the gear and try it on.

He only got to use it a couple of times, the first being at Pine Valley Reservoir and I was there, taking these great pictures that I treasure. He cherished his equipment and looked forward to learning this new skill. Reading this book has given me a new and greater appreciation for the sport, even to the point that I may take it up one day.

Before fly fishing, there were the "first day" of fishing season trips he would take the little ones on up to Enterprise. Sometimes we'd try our hand at Baker but Panguitch Lake is where he liked to take the girls and you can see here, they did have a bit of success. I think we even fried these up for supper that night.
Pretty soon, the little lakes and reservoirs around here didn't quite cut it so they headed up to Canada for the "big time" fishing and the boys were able to enjoy this with their dad a couple of times. Kyle, I do hope you get a chance to do this one day. (Kyle was on his mission and didn't get in on these).

....and just so you know, he's always been a "mighty fisherman". Here he is in his younger days....

....and we're watching from the shores of Pine Valley Res....waiting for the big catch. You'll want to know that we did catch enough for dinner that night. See if you can recognize who's in this pic.
This is what we used to do on date night ....and, to end with a fishing quote...."give a man a fish and you feed him a meal, teach him to fish and he'll be gone for a several hours every week-end..." or something like that.....!!!!! New on my "Bucket List"...."Learn to Fish". How do you feel about fishing?


joycew said...

The book had the same effect on me but I haven't taken up fly fishing yet. One of my most memorable vacations was an Alaskan fishing trip. I was skeptical but it turned out to be an amazing experience. Even if I never do all the great things I read about, it's nice to get a little insight into why so many people are "into" whatever it is they are "into".

Diana said...

I love fishing;I always have. Ya know, a Hatch-town girl. I used to fish with my dad. Still love it. I love this blog and love seeing the photos of Scott. Is that Stuart and Terrie, Gilbert & Leslie? Scott has the hat on, is he talking to Kelly? I will read the book someday. I'm reading "The Memory Keeper's Daughter" now.

Spencer said...

That's easy. Denny and Donna, Gilbert and Leslie...and of course, Mom.