Saturday, May 8, 2010

I'm for whatever brings family and friends together....

.....and "Relay for Life" did that for us all last night. This is our 2nd annual gathering as "Hurricane Dental Group" to come together in celebration of those we know who have battled or are battling cancer and we do it to honor Scott but mostly we do it to come together for a night as a family, both the Wells family and the Dental Group family to participate in this good cause and support the Hurricane Community....(can't pass up an opportunity for a little pr work as well). I stayed all night last year....but, I'm a year older now and the arthritic joints started to call out to be home in bed so I gave in after my hour walk at 1:00 a.m. Ya gotta hand it to Joel for coming out for the 3 a.m. run though....wish I had a picture. (Penny and Sophie took the 1 a.m.)
Brent, Jillynn and kids, Cathy and her kids, Karen and Len and as always, Beverly and Feral come out to take their turn around the track. Bruce, Anita and Venetta joined us this year too. It's getting bigger every year.....
Darth Vader and the crew show up every year too.....
Like I said, good time for a little pr. We passed out little dental hygiene packets as well.
Mason fires up the grill ready to throw on the burgers......
The kids bust a move to the music playing over the intercom. This is one night they can do anything and eat anything they want. It's a party atmosphere for sure....
Showing off a little face painting........

Matty even came along and enjoyed the fun. Have I got you convinced to join us next year? I hope so....the more the merrier. Come on out on this Mothers' Day weekend. We'll sign you up.


Staheli said...

Awesome......that looks so dang fun, maybe we'll skip the holidays and come out next year for the relay for life!

joycew said...

I'm convinced that I should join you next year. Looks like a lotta fun for a good cause. See me next year and save me a not-too-late time slot. (I'll be a year older, too!)