Thursday, October 7, 2010

My boys of October....

.....and this is really a "birthday" month in our family and I've actually realized I can write anything I want about Mason because he just looks at the pictures on my blog so here I go. Mason's starts us out on October 10....and I won't go into details but I'm mighty glad he's here as he had a pretty rough start. Then David was born on October 20 and we didn't get to keep him then Kyle was born on October 28 and he was the first and will tell you horror stories of our "trial and error" method of parenting through the years but I've come to depend on him a lot since clear back to 1985. One thing I'm sure all my boys came out of this with is their dad's determination and dedication to education (that was a mouthful) and their caring hearts. Oh, I almost birthday is this month too.....don't want anyone forgettin' that.
I thought it was interesting that I was able to find so many pictures with these two together. I especially like the baseball one. That was the year we had a trip to Boston planned when Mason's baseball team took state and had to travel to Ely or somewhere exotic to play and we left Kyle home to go with him (lest you think we're cruel, Kyle had just gotten home from Finland and didn't care to travel any more) but I think it must have been good bonding time for the two of them. They pretty much look inseparable, don't they????? Notice how Kyle is always on the left. What's up with that????? Anything to do with "First Child/Middle Child" stuff...ya think????


Staheli said...

Woo Hoo for October. I love this month. Happy Birthday Mason, David, Kyle, and MOM!!! The pictures made me miss our holidays in SLC.

Unknown said...

also- Kyle really liked to wear the shorty short shorts-(remember the picture of him with the hutch?) what's up with that? I guess if my legs were as pretty as his, I would wear short shorts too!