Monday, October 25, 2010

The tradition continues.... both of my families that live in town invited me to participate in the annual "Monday before Halloween" Pumpkin Carving. We used to gather on the back porch and dig in and then line the kids up behind their masterpieces. Messy times but fun times.....

.....and it makes me happy to see my kids do the same with their kids. When I walked through the door, McKay asked "why are we doing this?".....I said "...for posterity".....and isn't that what traditions are all about. The tie that binds us as a family. Sometimes it seems we just go through the motions....but in the's just something we do, so it's important.

Everyone did a mighty fine job. Glad It's not a contest and glad I'm not the judge.

Lauri and James did theirs a week early. Great job guys. Hope you don't mind me sharing.


Karen Mendenhall said...

I was hoping you would post about this, Mason said he was going home to carve pumpkins sorry we had such a late night at the office and he probably barely made it home on time. Fun memories grandma!

Staheli said...

We're doing ours tonight!

Spencer said...

KY Wells checking in...tradition accomplished.