Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I flew in from Houston last night....

.....and boy, are my arms tired. I had a really great time with some grand friends, laughing, eating, watching movies, eating, talking, chatting, eating, visiting Janny's family, eating some more....whew.....that's about it. Thanks Janny and Kath.....we need to do it again real soon. Getting together with the girls is good for what ails ya!
Speaking of flying.....I got home in time to catch the ribbon cutting ceremony at our new airport today. Took us a whole hour to get out there (herendous traffic) but we made it and saw it all. I put a few pics together so I could remember the adventure....also got to see Pres. Uchdorf give the dedicatory prayer and watch a couple of planes take off. It officially opens for business tomorrow. This will be one for the history books.....
My niece, Colleen, and Debbie's daughter, Amber got to ride on one of the first planes to take off today. They won contests that they had entered. I'll get more details later. Maybe they made the Spectrum.....


joycew said...

I'm just a little jealous of all the fun you're having. Wish I could have been at the airport dedication. Wow! You've witnessed history in the making!

Karen M. said...

So glad you are back, missed you so much! Can't wait to hear about your adventures, keep on blogging!

xomom said...

I thought I caught one quick glimpse of you from Channel 2 News report on the airport? Good job battling the crowd and traffic to be there for a bit of history. It certainly is a bautiful setting!

Jealous of the fun you had in Texas. Girlfriends are good for what ails let's make some girlfriend time.