On the picture to the left, Frank and Sarah are with their two sons, Webb and Ralston. Two more sons would come, Keith and Garth (Garth died at an early age from an absessed tooth). Their 4 daughters on the right are Beulah, LaRue, Leila and Ruth. Sarah became ill and died when Leila, the youngest was only 2 years old. My mom stayed with grandpa and LaRue, while the middle two were sent to live with their Aunt Annie (Grandma Sarah's sister) at Cane Beds. They stayed out there for a year then came home. My Aunt Beulah remembers how they always tried to talk the mail man into taking them back home to Hurricane. I always remember that every Mother's Day, my mom would give my grandpa a present; she always said that he was her mother.

After the kids were raised, my grandpa met Margie Dalton. They were married in 1945. She would be his constant companion for many more years. They spent their lives in Hurricane, traveling once a week to St. George for many years to be temple ordinance workers and then working at the visitors center. I remember taking Sunday dinner down to them while they were on their shifts. I have lots of wonderful memories of my Grandpa Barber. He would hide Easter eggs in his big trees on his huge corner lot there in Hurricane and we would go over there for our Easter picnic a
nd always enjoyed meeting with our cousins and finding the treats hidden all over the yard. If I could give him a present it would be these. He would need some new boxes because I remember as a kid, he would always offer them to us when we would visit him but lots of times they were just too old to eat....some of them even had mold on them but he always had something (usually candy) to offer the kids. He would probably be pleasantly surprised to find out that we have different kinds of Orange Sticks today; not just orange but raspberry and dark chocolate as well. He would probably eat some with his dinner and he always loved his sweets with his meals, not after. He lived to be 90 years old. We would go over to visit him most every Sunday evening. One Sunday, he was outside cracking nuts. I asked him why he was cracking nuts on Sunday and he told me that when Sunday meetings were through, so was the Sabbath. I'm sure my grandpa is in the celestial kingdom....he was a good, faithful man to the end. Happy Birthday, Grandpa Barber.

After the kids were raised, my grandpa met Margie Dalton. They were married in 1945. She would be his constant companion for many more years. They spent their lives in Hurricane, traveling once a week to St. George for many years to be temple ordinance workers and then working at the visitors center. I remember taking Sunday dinner down to them while they were on their shifts. I have lots of wonderful memories of my Grandpa Barber. He would hide Easter eggs in his big trees on his huge corner lot there in Hurricane and we would go over there for our Easter picnic a

Funny - I remember going on an emergency with dad one fast sunday shortly after taking the sacrament at church. He had some snacks over at the office and when he partook, I said, "But dad, it's fast sunday." He told me the same thing...and I did partake.
That's incredible, thanks so much mom. I loved it! Keep it up, cause I am loving learning about my ancestors.
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