Monday, February 21, 2011

I finally did it....

.....and it's bringin' back the memories like crazy as I framed my "sampler" from my 9-year old year in Primary.

We were called "Gaynotes" back then and the theme was "I will bring the light of the gospel into my home by greeting the day with a song". What a novel greet the day with a song. What would my song have been today? Um....maybe "I have work enough to do...ere the sun goes down" that a song? Or...."Ere you left your room this morning, did you think to pray?" Yes, I sometimes don't remember to pray...but I'm getting better. Anyway, I digress. Back to the days in Primary: The theme song for Gaynotes was:

The first thing in the morning and all day long
I shall be a Gaynote and sing a happy song....
I shall greet the new day and all it brings
With a happy face and a heart that sings.

Some think we "brainwash" our kids. Call it what you want. I'm glad I got "brainwashed". Silly as some of these things sound....truly a good way to live. I have nothing but fond memories of Primary and the thing I remember most that I loved back then was learning to do cross stitch as a 9-year old, crochet as a 10-year old (Firelight), then knitting as an 11-year old (Merrihand). Sad they don't do that any more. I discovered a lot about me that I'm coming to realize now. Those experiences laid the foundation of who I am today and what I love do. I took to crocheting because my Grandma Sullivan continued to teach me new things. I didn't do well at knitting, it was harder....but I learned it and I did a bit in my college years. I didn't pick it back up until about 9 years ago when I found a little yarn shop in Kentucky. I remembered that I had learned it once and was able to take to it very quickly and have fallen in love with it now; still not good at it but plugging along. Anyway, good memories and I am glad to finally have the sampler framed and on my wall after all these years to remind me what I need to do each day. We also set various goals and got to put little emblems on bandelos. I found mine a few months back when cleaning out some drawers. I especially loved it when I got the rhinestones. Not sure what we had to do to get those...maybe that was the beginning of my love of diamonds. Speaking diamonds, this book is really a "gem". I got back into my gospel study book club that meets on Monday mornings and we are doing "The Infinite Atonement" (clickity click on the book to read more about it)....I think I'm going to really enjoy it. We started off a couple of years ago with "Jesus the Christ" and they have done a couple of others in between but I didn't go because I worked on Mondays. Back at it now and it feels good. I hope you have some good reads....Let me know; I'm always open to suggestions.


Lauri said...

Now I understand why you taught us to cross stitch at such a young age. I guess it didn't take quite so well but I feel like I have a good foundation for a number of those crafty things when I need them most.

Karen Mendenhall said...

Ha that does bring back memories, I will have to frame mine and take a picture. I still even have my bandelo I think that is what they were called. I remember the song too, boy does that date me or what?

janece said...

Thanks for the great trip down memory lane..I still have my cross stitch in my cedar chest as well as my bandelo. And the diamonds were for memorizing scriptures and the Articles of Faith. Thanks for the trip!!!