Thursday, December 18, 2008

And more snow.....

...yes, the children of Washington County must take this opportunity to make a snowman before the snow melts at noon.....thus a "snow day" has been declared. I will post some of those snowmen as I get out and about in a little while but for now, just wanted to say "hey" to my family in Kentucky and let them know what the snow is happening out here. I did write y'all a message on the trampoline. Taylor wanted to send his greetings as well. He and Skylar have been with me the the past 2 days as Sheryl had to make a quick trip to Nebraska where her father passed away. Looks like the snow is movin' on up north, up Traci's way. I have to admit that I like the snow.....I even liked it when I lived in Salt Lake. I just don't like it "wearing out it's welcome" by staying until May. I remember being in Logan one year for school and we wanted to have a nice little "end of the year" picnic up Logan canyon. Yup, there was still snow but we did it anyway, I think around May 26 or something like that. Not real good pictures but the caption in my scrapbook said "We got impatient waiting for spring" when actually, we were all heading home the next week. Seated at the "snowy" picnic table is Ann, Becky, Carla, Carol Ann and Phyllis. I must have taken this one because I'm in the next one and Carol Ann is not. Just wanted to give credit to all present. Those were pretty fun times...yep, they were and you can see we didn't let a little "late snow" keep us from having our good times. So, thanks Washington County for letting a little snowfall give our kids a good time. We here in the south deserve a "snow day" once in a while. I'll post some snowman pics later.


Staheli said...

This snow is crazy up here. Scott has been inside for the past two days cause he wont get out of his jammies. Finally today he said, "lets go for walk mommy" so I put on his big coat and boots(over his jammies) and we made it to the driveway before he turned around and wanted to get back inside. Thank goodness for a warm home. Jake loves watching the snow fall when he's warm and cozy inside.

xomom said...

Those were the days my friend.... (Hope you can hear me singing that)
We made some great memories all those years ago. Not sure these old bones would enjoy sitting on a cold bench, eating cold chicken these days. Thanks for the memories!