Monday, December 15, 2008

A little frostin' on the ground.....

......and a whole lot of it on the cookies. Yep, "frosting" is the theme of the evening as we've had a little dusting of snow all day long. Lauri and I were invited to the annual Shelton Family Cookie Decorating Night. Jan baked an uber bunch of yummy cookies and we all got to decorate to our heart's desire. I wish I would have gotten a picture of Evan's blue mouth...he got into the food coloring. It should wear off in a week or two. Lauri's had a Mexican theme and Kyle's....well, let's just say I don't think his creation would be politically correct to mention but it was creative to say the least.


::dallas:: said...

wasnt the snow crazy!! i love it!!

Staheli said...

I love the pictures the snow looks a lot prettier in St. George, I think because it comes with a guarantee that it will melt and soon! The cookie making looks fun too. Gotta love the sugar rush of the holidays.