Friday, January 9, 2009

You can have your cake and eat it too.....

....unless, of course, you prefer cherry cheesecake. Happy Birthday tomorrow to Spencer George Wells. Three has always been his favorite number for sports so double good this year with the big "33". Through the years Spencer has always known what he wanted....and so with his birthday cakes. So I came up with this little collage of some of my favorites that usually depicted the "phase" he was in on any particular January 10. However, around birthday number 12, he settled in on cherry cheesecake which made my job a lot easier and he's requested it ever, here's to your cheery cherry cheesecake birthday number 33, Spencer. May it be as happy as you are and may all the wishes you wished as you blew out all of those candles through the years come true.


Lauri Wells said...

Three cheers for spencer! Hip Hip hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!

Spencer said...

Thanks Lauri...I deserved that.