Friday, May 21, 2010

I hope you dance....

.....I truly do. I wish we would all dance, every day, and I loved going to Maycee's Dance Review tonight and watching all the little kids dance. Some definitely better than others but everyone getting a dance.

I think I missed my calling in life because there truly is a "dancer" in me and I don't dance well but I love to watch it and imagine me doing all the fantastic things that real dancers can do and as I watched Maycee up there tonight, never missing a beat, it took me back to the day my girls were in dance and how I loved Dance Review night and watching the culmination of the whole year of dance even if it was...."this is my left foot, ha..ha..ha..ha..ha..ha..this is my right foot, ha..ha..ha..ha..ha..ha..that's why I'm laughing with delight, I know my left foot from my right." They have to start somewhere, right and that they did.

Dancing has always been a part of our family as the little girls and their friends spent countless hours and all through the house dancing and putting on shows.

(Here she is struttin' her stuff in Footloose)....and lest you think Traci is the only dancer in the family (she's the only one that pursued it, so to speak) let me set you straight.
Kyle can "cut a rug" believe you me....and it's pure joy to watch him and JoEllen break into country swing when they hear the beat....but Kyle got his start even earlier than he is in Disneyland at Carnation Plaza with Heather May. They just happened to be there the same day we were and the two of them got out on the floor. I wonder if Heather did the asking? hm..........

...and I'm sure as Mason's reading this he's got to know this is coming because it's just got to be one of my all-time favorite "Mom Moments" when I went to the school on this day to a Homecoming Assembly and saw this amazing line dance that these boys had been working on for months....seriously, the coolest thing ever and I never miss a moment if I can get anyone to sit and watch the video; even to this day I have it close by and you know if I could, it would be posted here and on YouTube. I'll figure out how to do it one day for all to see.

Just wishing right now I had a picture of Kyle doing "Splish Splash" when he tried out for Mr. Dixie. I've shown that video to many an onlooker as well. So....if you have the choice to either sit it out or dance.....I hope you dance. I'm going to pull out my Zumba CD and get dancing....maybe there's still hope for me.


The Ivins Gang said...

Love, Love the blog! It was so good to see you last week at Lauri's wedding! It has been too long! Here is our blog

By the way, the picture of Mason and Spencer drinking Mt. Dew at the wedding SERIOUSLY cracked me up becuase I know those two are dentist's and I know that my dentist cusses Tyler for drinking that stuff. Hmmmm... LOL...funny stuff!

Lacey Ivins

Spencer said...

Spencer is noticeably absent from this post...and for good reason.

Diana said...

This is the greatest blog! I love it to see your kids dancing and having fun. We all need to dance...I did tonight at the Ward Western Roundup party. I probably embarrassed myself, but I didn't care. I was out there line dancing with all the kids. Remember when I sang "I Hope You Dance" at our reunion at the Staheli barn in Washington?