Thursday, May 20, 2010

I need to fly....

After a couple months, I just get to missin' my friends on Southwest.
I think the first airplane ride I went on was back in the early 70's when I would fly with my little boys from Pullman, Washington to Salt Lake....I was always nervous then. The first time Scott took me over seas, we went to Finland and I was a nervous wreck. Now, it's like my shuttle and I just love the feeling of packin' the ol' suitcase (as much as I can get into a carry on) and head to Vegas to board my Southwest flight to Louisville, and now, Hillsborough. I have to keep a flight booked about every other month, that little something to look forward to. I get giddy when I think of cuddling in to my window seat, hoping for a clear day so I can look down and marvel at how high I am and still able to see the vast America below me or, I put on the Ipod playlist or book on tape and see how much of a knitting project I can get done on the 4 hour flight.....or just sit there and think. It's like being in another world for a few hours. I don't like to talk....I guess I should get to know people but it's so hard to carry on a conversation over the buzz and sounds of the plane. I have met some really nice people in flight but lately, I prefer the solitude. I haven't seen my Kentucky kids since January....way too long so I'm off in another week or two for a week in Louisville. I'm thankful on this "Thankful Thursday" to Wilbur and Orval Wright for their invention that keeps me connected to my faraway family. What are you thankful for?


Staheli said...

I'm thankful for the internet that makes me feel not so far away from my faraway family.

Thanks mom, for the post. We'll be seeing you sometime this summer for a beach trip or for a new baby. Whatever comes first!

Staheli said...

I'm grateful for exciting packages waiting for me at my door!