Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Two years ago today.....

.....I was in Louisville, Kentucky waiting for Miller to arrive. Mason had graduated; Joyce had flown in and she and I were going to drive Mason's car cross country, home to Utah. As soon as we saw him and held him we headed out. My, how time flies when you are having fun and it has been fun to watch this little guy these last two years. This past few months he has really started talking and wanting to be one of the big boys.
This kid is fearless....he loves to climb, jump, run, throw....but it warms my heart when he gets a book and then backs up to me to have me lift him into my lap to be read to.

Here we are out to Joyce and Jay's and it's fun to see how he adores animals....especially dogs. Mason's neighbors have a dog that's the scariest thing ever...but he's Miller's best friend; constantly asking for "Bear" when we go outside. Maybe this kid's going to be our next veterinarian!!!!!Happy Birthday, Miller....you cutie patootie.....


Penny said...

I've seen Bear and he scare's me! I hope Bear's love for Miller is as strong as Millers is for him.

joycew said...

He is a real "cutie patootie". As darling as the girls are there is just something about little boys that really tugs at my heart-strings. It must be time for another road trip as I am remembering that one as one of my favorite memories! Anyone moving soon?