Friday, July 2, 2010

Just to get you up to speed....

....oh, and speakin' of "Speed"....a mighty fine game to teach the grandkids. If you can get 'em hooked, there's always somethin' fun to do with them and Laynee and I played it for hours, keepin' track and I think we ended up tied 21 to 21. I hope I get a chance for a "tie breaker" which Laynee always wins. She's a fast little twerp and very astute (marked by practical hardheaded intelligence) in her card playing abilities! Then George caught on and I think we are 11/11 as well. I'll have plenty of time for a tie breaker with him but he and Drewby caught on and it was fun watching them fumble a bit with their cards but gettin' into the game. I used to play it with some of Mason's friends, I think mostly Adam when he would come over and eat our "rich boy" cereal and Oreos. A good game of Speed made it worth it though. I love the's pretty much a "no brainer" strategy involved, just speed. Lot's of fun though and I always love my "grand kid time" doing something that I enjoy as much as they do. I'm just hopin' I can get one or two of them hooked on some kind of needle work...none the less, they are all my little heroes and it's been so fun havin' them around these last few weeks.
Here is a little of the residule (a quantity left over at the end of the process)....and I tried to have plenty of MoonPies (mini ones that I got at Walgreens) and Fresca (and Otter Pops) for them......and I promised I wouldn't wreck their "cool hut"....but I'm not sure how long I want to look at this residule. Maybe I'll go in and take a nap in there. Just today Traci and I were chatting about how much kids eat and how often they want to eat but I had plenty of this stuff and said "yes" to anything so there you go. Shana and I were sitting at the table talking and Jack asked his mom if he could have a cookie and she sternly said "'ve had enough to eat"....then he turned right to me and said "Grandma....can I have a cookie". I just shook my head while mumbling "yes":) As they say, "If mom says no, ask grandma (but not in front of mom)." It was funny.
Oh, and speaking of are my hero today. Allison told me I could brag on her a bit and divulge her secret. When she walked out of the temple in this beautiful dress, it took my breath away. It was so perfect for her simple elegance and I asked Colleen about it and got the scoop. Five years ago she found it at a DI in Las Vegas for 60 smackeroos and bought it. time.....does the dress still fit? It is gorgeous. Everything was gorgeous and sunshiny....just like Allison. Welcome to this crazy family, Chris. It's been a fun day. The luncheon was Cafe Rio at Heritage Elementary and so cleverly decorated! Way to go Sullivan Crew. Ya done good......
....and speaking of fun, Volume II of fun showed up in my mailbox this past week. My second blog book made me really happy. Thanks for all your fun comments that went in there for me to remember forever.


Staheli said...

thanks mom!

Camie said...

Seriously, every post of yours is such a walk down memory feels like home. Speed and huts in the basement sum up a lot of time spent at your house. So glad the traditions are holding strong.