Wednesday, July 21, 2010

This day I give thanks....

.....for the 29 plus years I was married to this kid. We knew each other since 7th grade and dated quite a while. I count myself lucky to have been chosen by him. Since he left us 9 years ago today, (actually it's really tomorrow 'cause it's late but not today yet) let me list 9 things that he tried to teach me in this life....some I learned, some I'm still working on.... he never ever "harped", but taught us by example. One of my only regrets in life is that I didn't pick these things up a little quicker.
1. Set goals and make "to do" lists....daily lists, (his little black books) weekly lists, monthly lists and yearly lists. Cross things off your list, add new things to your list and if it doesn't get done, move it to a new list until it does.

This is just a sample of one of his lists....I especially like #8 and #9. I think he was fairly successful in these and I especially like his "follow-through". What a guy.....cha ching!!!!!!
Click it to enlarge.
2. Read the Book of Mormon every year and be in the scriptures daily.....and read other uplifting material on a regular basis. He did make it a goal to read the classics and got through quite a few of them.
3. Don't let what happened yesterday hinder what happens today. He was always able to make peace quickly and move on and make each day count. That's what happens when you know your days are numbered. In his later years, he never did get "into the thick of thin things".
4. Live within your means....something he could have followed a little easier if I would have cooperated better. Notice one of his goals is to get the credit card paid off...I think that was one of those goals that was constantly on the list. He made this little plaque, a gentle reminder, I'm sure for me!!!!!

5. Always pay your tithing first...then there will be money for your wife's allowance....and there was.
6. Start and end the day with prayer and pray several times in between.
7. Do your home teaching (visiting teaching).
8. Give thanks every day for life, but be ready to go when it's your time. Scott always enjoyed his "mountain time"....where he could reflect on the goodness of God and enjoy the beauty that was created for us all.

9. Most important of and appreciate family. He loved his family more than anything else in the world. Thoughts of his children pulled him through Leukemia in 1985 and he spent the next 16 years totally dedicated to us and serving the Lord.
He wasn't perfect but he was perfect for me and for my family and these are not big things that he lived but they made him a better person. All he would want for any of us is to do the best we can. He never forced his standards on us but lived what he believed. I am happy today that I got so many good years with this good man and when I have a "pity party" once in a while and whine because I'm alone, wa, wa,....I have to remind myself...."ya git what ya git and ya don't throw a fit". Those 28 years were truly a blessing.
We miss you Scott Gordon Wells but knowing you has made us better.
(Nov. 16 1949-July 22, 2001)


Staheli said...

Very well put Mom. I love the pictures and the lessons in this post. Dad truly did try to instill within each of us those qualities and I too know the importance but am also a work in progress. Thank heavens for goodly parents, I hope I am and can be one. I've certainly had the examples in my life.

Miss you Dad.

Intro to Investments said...

Thanks Mom - Could I get a blown up copy of the one on the horse?

Lauri said...

Thanks Mom. That was a very good post. Those are all lessons that I have tried to take from my dad. I really need to work on the visiting teaching one,... and I will make a goal to be better at that one TODAY.

belliesue said...

Such treasured memories! I loved how he took time to sit down and enjoy the evening and a visit on the porch. What a great example. We miss him with you!

Karen M. said...

Wish he were still around so I could have gotten to know him, he left behind a legacy of sons and daughters that will carry on in the traditions that he started. All hard workers, all devoted people, all of you love life, what more could he ask. Smilin' on all of you this day and every day!

Penny said...

It can't be 9 years. He was just here. I don't think anyone who knew him could read that without shedding a tear or 2. Scott was an awesome man. I always remember him reading the Ensign and asking me if I had read this months and I always had to say, "not yet." He was a great example to us all.

Riley said...

Thanks for the post. I check your blog daily and appreciate the great reminders on the importance of family. That was some great advice.

xomom said...

Scott was a good man, a good dad, a good husband, and a good friend. We are blessed to have known him in all those roles. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and reminding us of the things that really matter.
And, we are blessed to know you as a good woman, a good mother, a good wife, and a good friend. Thanks to you too for all you have taught us and continue to teach us.

Camie said...

I think I need to borrow that plaque about living within ones means, for a little while. What a great list. I think I will start working on a few of them. By the way I would love a little time on the porch in pv