Thursday, August 5, 2010

I just realized....'s my favorite time of year!!! Back to school and even though I don't have school-age children, there's something about getting back to a "structure" that excites me. I was at the mall today and noticed it was abuzz with shoppers, young shoppers picking out their school clothes and I remember how exciting it was to both get new clothes when I was young and how my kids loved picking out new things for this big event. I remember having a fashion show up at my mom's one of the Sunday nights where the kids would all bring their clothes and model them for all of us. I don't know if it's that big of a deal any more but I was just thinking about it today. Also, this time of year I would be thick into making tons of tomatoe soup. I'm realizing I'm passing up my window of opportunity here pretty soon. I better get on it. This summer has just passed too quickly and though it's still hot, the weather man says it's going to cool down soon....and that will be nice. Yep....I love Fall, sitting by my fire (that's a ways away yet), knowing the children are all back where they belong (in school) and all is well. I love the smells of Fall as well, tomatoe soup cooking, the crispness in the air and the memories of the kids running in from their first day of school to report, grab a snack, change their clothes then run off to play. Good times.

The recent passing of Mr. Petty at age 95 actually is what got me to thinking about back to school. He was always there for the kids and they loved him. He was a good man and this was in his obituary...." of his favorite jobs after retiring was being a crossing guard at 700 South. He enjoyed the school children and they enjoyed him". Click HERE to read the full obituary. It's good to remember these good people that were a part of our lives. He was someone the kids could count on each day. Hopefully, we can all be there for the children in some small way as we help them along in their lives.


Diana said...

What great posts. Miss ya. Thanks for calling.

joycew said...

I just LOVE the "first day of school" pictures! I usually took a "2nd day of school" picture just because the new clothes were so cute! Beginnings are so great and full of promise...

Staheli said...

I too love this time of year. Especially in Utah, and I guess now in NC cause it means cooler days on the way and unlike northern Utah it doesn't mean snow is that much closer. As for you my tomato year, you're mine!

Camie said...

Oh Mr. Petty....what a special guy. Not many people can say one of there everyday heros was their cross guard. Thanks for always helping me remember the good times and the good people.