Monday, August 9, 2010

You know it's a good day....

....if there's something to blog about. Blogging has been really good for me 'cause I tend to look for the "bloggables" as I go through my day and it's a good thing for anyone that happens by that I don't blog about everything I think about but I try to find the "good" and blogging has become a really good "life" tool for me in that respect in what could be a very lonely and depressing life (and sometimes it is but mostly it isn't). I saw a BYUTV commercial that shows someone giving a person a camera and telling them to find something good and take a picture of it. That's what I really like to do and today I found some really cute people that I kidnapped and took with me to Zion to see "Dispicable Me" on the IMAX screen in 3D. It was so totally awesome...I can't describe it and it was fun to be with 3 of my favorite little people. Thanks, George, Emily and Maycee for letting me steal you away from your friends for one last hurrah before school starts.

Pretty dang cute kids....even if I do say so myself!

I love, love, love 3D.................


Staheli said...

very's good to have a grandma close by.

joycew said...

Wow! What a great grandma! You are a pretty great sister, too! (My first 3D experience was with you at Toy Story 3 and I loved it!) A nice way to kick off a new school year for the kids.