Wednesday, August 4, 2010

So I like to take pictures....

.....and out of the hundreds that I took, I chose just a few and I'm not going to do a travel log right now but I am here to report that we have returned from a wonderful vacation.....of which I was privileged to be invited to go by Kyle and help with the kids of course, but also, I'm sure because it's just great to have me along...(right Evan?.... as he's constantly telling me my elbow is in his way and he can't color very good and Emily is sqwooshed in the corner of the back seat trying to get comfortable). I admit it was tight in the van....but hey, we did great, or at least I did. I loved every minute of it and I'm going to start my blog off with just a bit of an observation I made on the way home as I had time to sit and ponder the happenings of the last five days with my family. It was fun to watch them as they spent about the whole 5 days trying to figure out what souvenirs to buy. I have to tell you a bit about my very favorite one, and one that I wish I would have purchased for myself and may still try to find it because it is absolutely the most awesome little gadget ever invented. It's Evan's LegoLand head lamp and it was so cool because he could use it in the car, in the dark, on the way home. I kept waiting for him to get bored with it so I could borrow it so I could read my book and when he finished, I gently said...." you think Grandma could use it for a while?" He did let me and I read with it for a minute (it was wonderful and perfect) and after about 5 minutes he wanted it back. He didn't use it himself, he just wanted it back and of course I had to give it to him (I tried coaxing a few more minutes out of him but it just wasn't going to happen and I didn't blame him. I don't think I'd let anyone borrow that precious little purchase either) so I just put my book away and he put his headlight away and now I'm trying to find me one on the internet. If anyone goes to LegoLand anytime soon, please please get me one. (Wait....I just found it online). Click HERE if you want one too. I drew the analogy as it applies to my testimony.....that "I can't live on borrowed light"....I must get my own little light. (I'm doing better at reading my scriptures, I'm just sayin'.) I digress. Back to the vacation.
No travel log....just a few pictures. We got to JoEllen's brother Brad and Ashley's house in Fullerton (oh so close to Disneyland).....the kids swam.....Kyle dropped me and Matty off at Disneyland! Ya....for real. AWESOME.....Billy Hill twice, (look how close we are to Billy. My first time in the side booth),shows, parades, fritters, fireworks.....o.k. this vacation is going well. They headed to an Angel's game. Um....who had the most fun? Here's a few pics of the fun we had....I'm tired and I'm outta here but I'm sure there'll be more later.
These pics are way out of order. I'll have to work on that later. I'm tired. Sea World had this great ride that I hadn't been on before. I loved it.....George got so wet!!!!

Interesting choice of concession at Sea World....he ate the whole thing?
Here's my dream car....NOT....but I thought it was cute.

Sesame Street has a new little play place at Sea World. New to me anyway. It's been a while since I've been there.

I really enjoyed watching the kids play in the ocean. I do love the ocean....still a bit afraid of it but I do love watching it and listening to the waves.

The new Mormon Battalion Historical Site was amazing. We really enjoyed the tour and displays there and enjoyed some leisure time after church on Sunday. We met my neice Allison and her new husband Chris and joined them at Sacrament Meeting then headed out to the Museum. I highly recommend it to anyone traveling to San Diego.

I'm just enjoying the balmy weather, the view and my grand kids on the porch at the Museum.

Evan had his 4th birthday on Saturday and we celebrated at LegoLand.

Kyle and George on the Samurai at LegoLand. Crazy.....

A great way to cool off in the heat of the afternoon at LegoLand.

More LegoLand craziness.....

A stop at Seaport Village isn't complete without a trip to the Hat Shop.
Our last day and a leisurely stop at Seaport Village and a ferry ride across to Coronado.

It was a beautiful day for a boat ride and you know how I love the front row....

For me, a lot of the fun of a vacation is to see and try new things, meeting new people and imagining myself living in such exotic places....but when it comes right down to it, there's no place like home. Thanks, Kyle for inviting me along and for getting us all home safely.


Staheli said...

Looks so fun! Love the pics, can't wait to see more. Glad you are all home safely.

joycew said...

I am also glad you are home safely and I can hardly wait to hear DETAILS! (Remember, my travels are all vicarious...)Disneyland had to be the highlight, right!?

Penny said...

AWESOME! I guess Sophie and I are the only ones that haven't been to Sea World or Lego Land. Maybe next summer. It looks like you had a lot of fun. I love Evans giant pickle! He loves pickles. I laughed hard when I saw that picture.