Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sometimes you just don't have the right name....

......which was the case with me last night. Let me back up to last week when I was taking the kids in the car and started singing "The Name Game"....a favorite song from the 60's that I often sing to the kids, using their names. George and Maycee is fine...but McKay, Emily and me....well, just too many syllables....try it..."Jillyn, Jillyn, awkward. Emily is the same but we could shorten hers to Em, and McKay, we could shorten to Mac. Anyhoo....last night at ACAPPELLASTOCK....I got chosen, yep, you guessed it; to sing my name to "The Name Game"....and I WAS PREPARED....My name became JILL....oh, so much easier. Well, I'm here to tell ya that I about had a heart attack over it but it was sooooo fun. God made so many talented people and I got to see a gazillion of them this past weekend but He also made some extremely "appreciative patrons"....and I, for sure, am one of the most appreciative. I loved every minute of it and with my brief moment in the spotlight, I was mighty glad to turn it back over to the talented ones.
We started out Friday night with "Dancing Under the Stars" at the Orem Scera Shell Theater, a show emceed by my favorite "Dancing With the Stars" professional, Louis Van Amstell, (click HERE to learn more about him).

I was thrilled to say the least to finally see him in person. Also, Zach Wilson was there. He used to be engaged to Julianne Hough (click HERE to see pics of him and Julianne in '07) but is now married to one of Ashley Delgrosso's sisters. I became a fan of his when he was on "Dance Wars". He was on "Team Bruno" and won it in '07. There were many other celebs from our favorite "dance shows".... and it was an amazing show. (Zach is in the lower left picture in the collage, if you are interested.)
Saturday morning, Lauri and I went to the Provo Farmer's Market where I ran into my friend Stefinee Esplin Pinnegar. We had a nice chat, bought some tomales, had a little chips and salsa. Then, of course, it was time to head north to A Cappellastock, the "main course" of the week-end. This is my 6th year to attend and every year seems to be better than the last. It is at the Ogden Amphetheater and this year was emceed by Nathan Osmond, of Osmond Second Generation fame. I thought he was awesome. He's in the midst of a country western career, and where some of us in our group don't really appreciate that genre of music, I actually do and I really enjoyed what he brought to the whole show. Also, my friend Shannon Stapley Allen always comes through with my front row seats. I'm just sayin', if you want to get on board here, I'm happy to count you in next year. Get it on your calendar, August 20. I count down to this event more than Christmas. I appreciate James and Lauri for joining me as the A Cappellastock "groupies" so I don't have to go it alone. It's great to have "appreciative" company to share it with.
Now, I head to work tomorrow, court on Tuesday (taking care of my stolen Marverik card) and to North Carolina on Wed. as Traci is having her baby. Why am I telling you all this....because I'm narscissitic, I guess. I got to thinking as I was driving home about life....and all the "bad" things in the world, sickness, death, depression....and I am grateful that there are "fun" things still left to do to help us be happy and love life. I feel that people were given amazing talents.....and I'm grateful that times are still good enough that they can share them and we can appreciate them. It's been a great week-end. Lot's to look forward to. I do keep a prayer in my heart for my friends and loved ones that are suffering one way or another. One of my favorite quotes to end this post: "The optimist tells you the glass is "half full"; the pessimist tells you the glass is "half empty" but the engineer will tell you it's twice the size it needs to be". May we all strive to see good, be good and do good. Peace out.....and have a great week. I'm going to.


Staheli said...

looks like y'all had a great time. we'll all be here to welcome you to NC on wednesday. thanks for everything rock!g

Penny said...

Tell Traci good luck! We are excited for her. I think it's wonderful that you can help all your kids out no matter where they live. I'm sure that grandkids love it!