Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's a small miracle....

....and I'm so grateful for the 'granates'. I've seen so many loaded bushes around town but I hate to go beg for them; however, that's pretty much what I did last week while at Mason's Dental office. I asked Karen to go beg for them and she did....and I'm asking anyone else in my readership to go beg for them but here they are and yes, Mason, I'll probably get about 4 batches of jelly out of these. They are beautiful. Thanks so much for bringing them to me and to Karen for asking and to the nice person that picked them and brought them in. Good times ahead. I'll take more.....don't mean to be glutoness, but one can never have too much Pomegranate Jelly. Bring it on!


Intro to Investments said...

I would be willing to put in a few hours in exchange for a few pints. The grape jelly my wife makes from her Mom's grapes is good but nothing is like pomegranate!

60's Guy said...

That's one thing I don't like about living in the east. Most people here have never heard of pomegranates. You can get pomegranate flavored everything here now, but the fruit itself is very scarce - and expensive, 2 for $3 at best. I did manage to make pomegranate Jell-O a couple times this year. And I still have my Mom's old juicer.