Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Just another day.....

....but it was good to get it started with a grin. As Miller came in this morning, he showed me his hands and said...."i's perty".....I'm still smiling as I know I should probably try to wash it off but he's so proud of his art work, how can I? Mandy said he had disappeared to the basement and she found him with the markers. He does love his markers. One other time when I was tending, he had his Spiderman outfit on and had painted his feet red. What's making you smile today?


joycew said...

I tended Lux this morning. I was rocking her to get her to go to sleep. But, instead of sleeping, she looked up at me and gave me the biggest grin I've seen for such a little girl! Well, that made me smile right back!

xomom said...

I have had Max for the past couple of days. When he gets up in the AM and says "Good morning Grandma. How was your sleep?" That makes me smile. (But, then he makes me smile all day long!)

Staheli said...

I watched Toy Story 3 with my boys tonight and we danced to the credit music. I was holding Max and we started jumping up and down and Max started belly laughing. He loves jumping! That made me smile.

Diana said...

I smile when I come home and C.J. wants Nana to chase him and play hide an' seek. (He's only one, you know!) I smile when I think of you eating bread pudding; well, eating lemon sauce with a little bread pudding!