Saturday, January 22, 2011

..been seein' a lot of UFOs lately...

(Un - Finished Objects)...and today I decided to do a bit o' housecleaning and rearranging and deciding to get my life in'm not gonna go that far but I have decided to make a "pact" (with myself, I guess, I hate to call it a resolution and "goal" just sounds too ominous) to get started on finishing a bunch of these poor, neglected projects. As I've said before, when it comes to crafts, I always get excited about starting something new but I'm definitely not a "finisher" (I actually finish a lot of things so I need to give myself some credit) and I need to decide to either finish them or throw them away (out of sight, out of mind). I'm also doing a little "blog-cleaning" today as I have a bunch of stuff on my computer desktop that I've been meaning to blog about. This week I've found myself wondering again why I blog....which question has led me to some professional bloggers (click HERE and HERE and HERE for just a few of them) that I've really enjoyed getting to know and it's helped me realize that I pretty much blog for the same reasons they do....a creative outlet; for me it's someone (I mean something) to talk to and I'm here to tell you that on any given day, week, or month, no one asks me how I feel and don't we all want that? (Maybe you don't but I do).... Just someone once in a while to say..."so, how do you feel about that"...and on a blog, you can state exactly how you feel, what you are thinking and it's out there, and then you can be "done" with it. Loved this article: "Why I Can't Stop Reading Mormon Housewife Blogs"....
...this made me laugh and it has been on my desktop for a while and since my sense of humor got severed during my last C-section, I do take great pleasure in the few things in life that make me laugh, and this is one of them. I found it on this site called "Cake Wrecks" I check this site periodically when I need something to smile about...and it very easily could have been me that took that cake order!!!! I'll be the first to admit that I'm "losing it"....slowly, but surely so I'm also making a pact to write my "mem-wars" this year. If I die and you're wondering where they are, please go to My Documents and it will be listed under "Things I Remember Now".....and I'm not sure why I'm feeling the urgency to get this done. I'll tell you later, maybe it's because I've been reading histories of my ancestors, I don'no. Maybe it's because the older we get the more invisible we feel....and I don't want to just "fade" away so I'll figure out something to put on paper to leave behind (but it will probably just be added to my other UFO's; but I can try, right?)
....and I found a bargain. I've become aware of "bargain shopping" as of late just because I watched a show about these people that were hauling out thousands of dollars worth of groceries for just really small amounts of money....I'm talking $1,500.00 worth of groceries for $267.00. I got looking into coupons and I couldn't figure out how they could do that when the coupons are usually "buy one, get one" but there are websites that you can actually find free stuff. I guess I don't like free stuff 'cause I got a headache just browsing through 3 sites so I'll continue to be the one that stores make their profits from...(not a very correct sentence but you get the picture). Anyway, it has made me aware of bargains. So Joyce and I are in Michaels and we run into Ester and we were standing by some marked-down Christmas ornaments. I think they were originally seven bucks, marked 30% off. Ester almost bought them, I thought about it but passed. Yesterday, the same ornaments, still there; wanna guess what they were marked down to?.......cha....ching.....69 cents a box.....I got them ALL....they are cute little ornaments/place card holders....8 boxes/48 ornaments. Ester, if you read this, call me.....we can negotiate!!!!!!
....and my new favorite snack....(if there's no chocolate in the house). Yep, it's just frozen grapes (but they have to be really good grapes, sweet not sour) and string cheese. I also like those little bites of cheese, that come in triangluar shapes and are really soft but string cheese is really good too. I don't know why I'm telling you this but there you have it.
....and one last thing I've been meaning to blog about... I crocheted this cute little hat the other night while I was tending. I whipped it up in a couple of hours and was quite proud of myself. Notice the hole in the top where her little pony tail can stick out. It got me wondering why I don't LOVE crocheting as much as I LOVE, LOVE knitting. It's easier, way faster.....and I can actually finish projects in one sitting....I'm just wondering, don't know why, but just wondering....and dear reader, if you've made it this far, bless your heart!!!!! Thanks for stopping by.......


Spencer said...

Bless me! Finished it...and thank you.

Lauri said...

It read it all and laughed out loud at that cake even though you told me about it before.

janece said...

I always read it to the end, you're my hero!!!

xomom said...

Read to the end andloved it all....even that you reverted to crocheting. That hat is adorable, maybe we are in the wrong business??? Na! Knitting Rules! And so do you and your blog.

(Here's a good reason to all your friends and family have soemthing to look forward to.)

Staheli said...

I can picture Grandpa patting my head saying, "Bless your heart"