Saturday, June 5, 2010

There's a new kid on the block...

.....or I should say, in the family and it's James and it's his birthday today (Sunday) and we're really happy to have him on board because he is making Lauri really happy and you all know that all this mother wants is happy children.
So....saying that, I'll just add a great big
Happy Birthday to you, James and next year, I'll have a lot more to write about you; but for now, welcome...we're looking forward to lots of years of getting to know you.
....and there's a new member of the Church. Maycee was baptized by her father tonight.Congratulations, Maycee. May this be the beginning of many more "right decisions" in your life. You truly are a beautiful little girl and you have a grandmother that loves you...actually, you have quite a few grandmothers and friends and family that love you.


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Jimmy!

Diana said...

Kyle is a candidate for school board! The civic minded Wells line is going strong. That's great.