Friday, August 13, 2010

You're never bored....

.....if you like to read (or knit) and have a good book (or a project) going. As I've mentioned before, I haven't always liked to read but I do now. I'm not an "avid" reader, in fact, quite a "picky" reader but if I find something I like, there's nothing better than being anxious to get "back to my book". I'm in a book club that meets once a month and I've really enjoyed meeting with a few girls in my area that really love to read and share what they have been reading with us. It has opened me up to some new possibilities and we don't always adore the same kinds of things but it helps us broaden our horizons as to what is out there for us to enjoy. We met last night in Pine Valley at Leslie Jennings' beautiful home and discussed a book I haven't read but actually would like to about the Hole in the Rock experience in Eastern Utah entitled "The Undaunted" by Gerald Lund. We had a good discussion about that and other things in our lives but I always come away enlightened on one thing or another.

I'm always amazed when I truly love a book and it's always good to know that someone else loves it too. I remember the day that my sister called me and told me about "Some Wildflower in my Heart" and wanted me to read it because it had pretty much blown her away and she didn't really understand her reaction to it so I read it too and it did the same to me. It is so far my, pretty much, all-time favorite book (I've read it about 6 times and listened to it a couple of times as well) and I feel like the characters are my friends. I've learned a lot of lessons from it and I think that's what I like in a book, whether fiction or non...I like to learn something. I've come to love memoirs...and I'm attracted to "first-time" authors as well just because I like to see what they have to say. I would love to hear from any of you that may be reading something that you love. I'm always open for new ideas as to what to read.


Camie said...

I've always thought reading a good book was like making a good friend.

Karen M. said...

Do yo still have that wildflower book? I would love to borrow it for my trip to San Diego in a coupe weeks. Only time I have to read is vacaion! Ha! Let's get together before you go out to see Traci ok? Call me