Monday, June 28, 2010

An evening at the pool...

....and Mason's probably tired of hosting all the family parties but they sure are fun and the kids have a great time in the pool. This month has flown by.....starting out in Kentucky, then bringing Laynee home with me and Spencer's family has been here most of the month. I have to say...and it may sound sappy and cheesy but I do love my family and I especially love it when we can all get together. I was reading a book yesterday and the author stated..."I wonder what they will remember".....and as I was watching the kids in the pool, playing together, laughing, making up games and just plain being kids, I wondered if this was one of those things they would remember many years from now. It's interesting what my kids remember from their childhood but I'm grateful now that they want to be together and that we are able to make time for them to be together.
Thanks, Mason for being a good sport and sharing your place. Good times!!!!!!!


Staheli said...

That last picture there is just missing two little boys...darn it. Scotty is even swimming all by himself now, no floaties, and Jake is jumping into the pool without anyone catching him. We've come along ways from not even daring to leave the stairs.

Camie said...

What a crew...they will for sure remember times like these! I sure do.