Monday, September 27, 2010

A good Monday morning one and all...

.....and as I'm here trying to get my day going, I'm thinking again about a few random things. (I'm adding a few random pictures that have made me smile this past week). Mostly, I guess because it's Monday....and all that comes with can I make it a good Monday and a good new week. I found myself thinking about my mission and on the hard days I would try to remember the "good" things about that opportunity and I made a commitment to learn three new things each day. It wasn't hard because I was working with so many of the smartest people in the world, people that knew fifteen different languages, people that "ran" one of the largest organizations in the world and people that started each and every work day with a devotional consisting of thoughts of Jesus Christ and a prayer. I find myself today needing, once again, to become the student...humble enough to learn from those around me and humble enough to know I can't do things alone. Yesterday I was able to attend Maycee and McKay's Sacrament Meeting Program and I smiled through the whole thing remembering when I was in charge of those and how really cool they are. Maycee and McKay stood up there and did their parts perfectly and I was proud. I especially loved hearing the music...not many things make me happier than primary music. I was able to watch McKay play soccer on Saturday and make 3 goals in the 10 minutes I was able to be there and it made me happy when he looked over at was just neat for me to see that. McKay wanted this U of U blanket that he saw at the fabric store so I got it for his birthday. JoEllen told him when he was through with it he could sell it to Kyle. Last night at Mom's, Matty was standing up by herself but refused to stand if we tried. She'll walk when she's good and ready but it made me smile. Saturday, I was sad to say good bye to a man that I totally admire and that I've learned so much from through the years, Cal Robison. His funeral was a huge tribute from his family and he was a happy man and brought a lot of joy to the people he met with his optimistic outlook on life and his sense of humor. Friday night I attended the "Movie on the Square" which was "Electric Horseman" with Jane Fonda and Robert Redford. It was fun to reminisce the time it was filmed right here in St. George and Scott was even able to treat Jane Fonda's dog at his Veterinary Clinic. It's a "must see" if you haven't and if you have, it's fun to watch again. I tended Miller on Thursday morning and laughed when he wanted his Spiderman costume on and I turned my back for a few minutes and he had painted his feet and hands red with a (washable) magic marker and showed them to me and said "Spiderman". He also painted some blood on his forehead. Cute kid. The Women's Conference on Saturday reminded us all to be less judgemental and more accepting of one another and to find joy in the journey. There really are a lot of things that make me smile and I hope we can all find those things and make them a part of our lives....but I'm finding a need for improvement as well and hoping to get through "The Peace Giver" again and work on the "me" in a couple of struggling relationships and of course I'm always in need of tweaking my attitude of gratitude. My Mary Engelbreit thought of the day for September 27 is ..."Make a nest of pleasant thoughts." I will do that today.....and I will learn three new things today....and I'll probably watch the movie "Pollyanna" again real soon. Have a great week.....I'm talking to you and me!!!!
Traci posted these pics of her kids on her blog and I hope she doesn't mind me sharing but I love the one below, the epitome of brotherly love. So cute and a new picture of Max.

Drew and Spencer got to go on a 4th Grade field trip to Pine Mountain for a week where they learn to live in nature. Laynee and Shana did it a couple of years ago and it's just a really neat fun adventure for them. I can't wait to hear more about it, Drewby. More pictures are posted on Shana's Facebook.


Staheli said...

That was wonderful, thank you mom. It's no matter why so many people love to check up and read your blog. thank you!

Karen Mendenhall said...

Love the Spider Man costume, it is darling, makes me want to run right out and buy up some old costumes and send to my grandson, he loves to dress up! I love your blogs they are always so full of fun and memories, wish I could have been part of your family, are you interested in adoption?! Hey lunch real soon ok, today?! That would be great, LOL

Lauri said...

Awesome! I thought that was an old picture of McKay at first. It made me laugh.