Sunday, September 12, 2010

It was a really good day.....

.....9 years ago today after the really bad day as we welcomed Andrew Scott Wells into the world. Drew is my 3rd grandchild, son of Spencer and Shana and a mighty fine boy he is. He's a little guy with a huge heart....loves life and I know he loves me and it's always a joy to hang around him and soak up his enthusiasm for life. This is what his dad had to say about him in a recent e-mail that really sums up the essence of this boy: "Drew is in 4th grade this year....going back to school is no big deal to him because (in his mind) he's a big deal. He may be the youngest in his class, but he'll let you know that he's the least he lets us know. He better not be letting others know. The kid loves to play and hang out with his friends. His appetite for life is insatiable. The earlier the kid can wake up - the better. The longer and later and harder he can play - the better. The stinkier and dirtier he got it - the better. Surprisingly, still no major injuries (knock on wood)." Drew is a good boy and an obedient boy and practices his piano diligently and does whatever he does conscientiously. Happy Birthday, Drewby...I love you and miss you so. Have a great day!!!!!

1 comment:

Staheli said...


Well said mom and Spence.