Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Most things change...

....but some things just don't....very much. I was at the Historic Dixie Sun Bowl the other night to listen to Eric Dodge as he and his band opened for "Western Underground" as the opening event of the Annual Lion's Dixie Round-up and as I sat there on the bleachers and took in the sights and sounds (mostly tons of people I didn't know and a lot of western music which I love) I realized that this old venue has been around for a lot of years and has really been a part of my childhood in more ways than one. First, as a family, we would always participate in the rodeo. Mom would always get us new clothes to wear and our cousins that we hardly ever got to see would come to town (from Cedar) and because we lived close to the Sunbowl, they'd hang out at our house between the parade and the rodeo. Oh, and mom would always take us to the parade. I hated the rodeo though...I liked parts of it, the opening ride in which I always wished I could be in, and the barrel racing which my good friend Shirlee used to do, but I hated the calf roping. It would always make me cry because I felt sorry for the poor little animals. I digress though; I spent a lot of my teenage years as we used to play our softball games at the sunbowl when I was in mutual (and we were pretty darn good) and then later, I would go over and watch Scott play with his ward boys softball team...good times. All of our high school football games were held there....and as Jetettes, we spent many a cold morning practicing for our half-time routines there...and....that's where I was kissed for the very first time by my very first "real love" who would later become my husband. Yep, it was one of those very early mornings where we had partied with our friends all night and met up and decided we liked each other and ventured over the fence into the "bowl" to have some "alone" time....(a little TMI there but what the heck). It's just amazing that one place can endure so many years and still be the center of our community and the star of the show every year at the Dixie Round-up. No tellin' how many young kids hooked up walking the perimeter of that place for the three nights that the cowboys and cowgirls were in town. Totally the gathering place for teens....I bet it's still the same. It's been years since I've been to the rodeo, usually try to hit a parade or two but as I sat there pondering the history of that place, I actually had an inkling that I might like to try going to the rodeo again. Who knows...maybe I will.
In one of my past blogs, I talked about the joys of "doing nothing" but it's also good to get something accomplished. I've finished a couple of blankets which I really enjoy giving away and it's been good to sort through the old fabric drawer and pull some of these things out and actually get them done.


Staheli said...

Love it. I love your blog mom. Thanks for the memory trip. I also love the pictures and miss the simple days of walking around the sunbowl. I remember doing that, I never went to the rodeo to actually watch it. Kinda like I never went to the boys games to actually watch them...but I always had a great time!

joycew said...

Jay and I were just talking about going to the Rodeo and I got to reminiscing about our new outfits and yearly outing to the Rodeo. Thanks for the pictures. And thanks for making baby blankets as I, too, like giving your handiwork away! It's a good thing one of us has the "knack".

Intro to Investments said...


Karen M. said...

I too love your blogs, it helps me grow closer to your wonderful family. You make and have so many memories, thanks for sharing them with all of us. What a great childhood, and you are now making memories for your family, great!

xomom said...

"Thanks for the memories...." I just wandered the Sunbowl in my mind and found many of the same a few memories of my own.